DIMO collects valuable auto data from data ports in cars. It does so by allowing car owners to mint tokens by capturing data from their own car. The data are valuable for the car owner as well as for auto manufacturers, suppliers, insurers, municipalities, etc.
One can envision a two-sided market for DIMO tokens developing over time where data-users buy and burn tokens that are minted by car owners with DIMO data collection devices.
While @Tesla can build DIMO’s dataset for its own cars, how can any other automobile company create a similar dataset for their own vehicles that were manufactured before connectivity and data collection became feasible.
Furthermore, how can any company create a dataset of all cars on the road today? While all cars made since 1996 have OBD (onboard data) ports, other than DIMO’s token-incentivized model, I can’t envision how a company in a non-crypto world can create real-time access
Tokens will have real value when we can all sell our living/shopping data.