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Luke 532

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Everything posted by Luke 532

  1. https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2017/oct/10/deloitte-hack-hit-server-containing-emails-from-across-us-government The Guardian has established that a host of clients had material that was made vulnerable by the hack, including: • The US departments of state, energy, homeland security and defence. • The US Postal Service. • The National Institutes of Health. • “Fannie Mae” and “Freddie Mac”, the housing giants that fund and guarantee mortgages in the US.
  2. https://www.insidemortgagefinance.com/imfnews/1_1208/daily/-1000043172-1.html#Login Treasury Department counselor Craig Phillips “is believed to be helping craft a statement of principles on housing finance reform, perhaps to coincide with an executive order from the president tasking agencies to pursue its goals,” according to a new report from Capital Alpha. We heard about a possible GSE-related executive order from President Trump two weeks back, but little in the way of detail…
  3. http://investorsunite.org/jig-shareholder-lawyers-close-getting-look-documents-sweep-litigation/
  4. I know why - he doesn't know about it. Doubt it. Mnuchin has stated publicly that GSE reform is one of his top priorities. Trump Jr. has tweeted about it. I doubt that Trump doesn't know about it if it's a priority for his Secretary of the Treasury, his son knows about it, and the RNC has commented on it. He might not care, but he most surely knows.
  5. Thanks. **SEALED** OPINION and ORDER granting 384 Motion to Compel. The parties' joint status report with proposed redactions is due by no later than November 3, 2017. Signed by Judge Margaret M. Sweeney. (sp) (Entered: 10/04/2017) MOTION 384 --------------- **SEALED**Second MOTION to Compel , filed by All Plaintiffs.Response due by 8/17/2017. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix)(Cooper, Charles) (Entered: 08/03/2017) From wikipedia (sorry). "Motions to compel are frequently used to settle discovery disputes, especially when one party refuses to turn over its answers to interrogatories, documents or other items asked for in a request for production of documents, or its responses to a request for admissions." Tim Howard comments attached...
  6. https://www.insidemortgagefinance.com/imfnews/1_1205/daily/mel-watt-of-fhfa-can-act-alone-in-gse-zero-capital-1000043116-1.html#Login October 4, 2017 Short Takes: FHFA’s Watt Tells Panel He Can Go It Alone / A Deal (Eventually) with Treasury’s Mnuchin? By Carisa Chappell and Paul Muolo cchappell@imfpubs.com, pmuolo@imfpubs.com Although Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mel Watt told a House panel Tuesday that he’s talking to the Treasury Department about the GSE zero capital issue, he also made it clear that he doesn’t need the agency’s approval to rectify the matter. “We are working with the secretary of Treasury now to resolve that issue,” he testified. In response to a question, he noted: “I could do it by myself, but I don’t think that’s the best way to do it…” A handful of GSE watchers we spoke to believe that in time Watt will work out a compromise with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on zero capital.
  7. I'm not one for following price action, but the common stock of Fannie is up something like $0.26-$0.30 since the payment was made mid-day on Friday.
  8. Perhaps. Watt did write this letter today saying he's working with Mnuchin. https://twitter.com/DoNotLose/status/913821295443415040
  9. Just FYI, the FHFA report usually comes out mid-day (they don't wait until after hours). Per my memory the one in June came out after lunch and I confirmed that with one of Joe Light's older tweets (1:35pm on June 30, 2017): https://twitter.com/joelight/status/880842136903700482/photo/1
  10. Probably just a coincidence this is taking place on the same day payment is scheduled (or not) to go from FHFA to Treasury. It was just updated one hour ago (5 minutes after market close): https://www.treasury.gov/initiatives/fsoc/council-meetings/Pages/default.aspx
  11. Another 2,300,000 of FMCKM traded today and 2,000,000+ FNMAS. These trades look like a wash. Could be inter-MM. Can't tell. 650 k @ $5.37 (10:53:03) Then, 200 k @ $5.40 (10:53:09) 250 k @ $5.40 (10:53:13) 200 k @ $5.40 (10:53:17) Note it is 650k and trades are 4 seconds apart. Looks like a machine (or 2 buying and selling between them). A little later, same pattern: 500 k @ $5.37 (11:29:50) Then, 250 k @ 5:40 (11:29:54) 250 k @ 5:40 (11:29:59) Someone wants to show volume at the end of the day. rros, thank you for the added detail.
  12. For those that want to see what happens with the Q3 dividend payment... FHFA payments: https://www.fhfa.gov/DataTools/Downloads/Documents/Market-Data/Table_2.pdf Treasury receipts: https://www.fms.treas.gov/dts/index.html
  13. I may have missed it, but on first read of the PDF I don't see anything referencing GSE's, Fannie/Freddie, etc.
  14. Tax framework PDF attached. Link: https://fairandsimple.gop/ Tax_Blueprint.pdf
  15. Freddie CEO on capital buffers... http://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/22/politico-pro-q-a-freddie-mac-ceo-don-layton-243022
  16. Might see tax reform plan on Monday... This tweet is from 9 days ago: Chad Pergram‏Verified account @ChadPergram Ryan says Brady told GOPers principles of tax reform to be released Sept 25. Consensus of what the Big 6 envisions
  17. I find it mildly amusing that Corker's name is on the letterhead of the attached document.
  18. Fiderer: http://www.fidererongses.com/params/post/1298138/rnc-suggests-gse-recap--release-is-a-viable-option
  19. True, but what is the point of continuing to discuss an investment on a value board if it has already reached (or is near) intrinsic value? There's really not much incentive (for me at least) to continue to discuss value investments that have worked. When that happens, it's time to move on to the next hated stock. Just my two cents.
  20. If only there were already a plan out there that accomplished everything Mnuchin has publicly stated he wanted. ;)
  21. "Late this week, there was talk inside the Beltway that President Trump might even issue an executive order officially tasking Treasury with coming up with some type of GSE plan." https://www.insidemortgagefinance.com/imfnews/1_1192/daily/Treasury-taking-meetings-on-gse-zero-capital-1000042860-1.html?ET=imfpubs:e9810:73599a:&st=email
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