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Everything posted by longlake95

  1. algo's going the other way now...crazy eh?
  2. with the energy industry getting crushed, weak growth ahead for the banks and Canada and a housing bubble. The Canadian banks just don't scream out as a buy yet.
  3. I think the high speed trading and algo's have a lot to do with the compressed time of the moves. The algo's sell on weakness and buy on strength...which adds to the inertia.
  4. ya, that's on my to-do-list for TD at least... Canadian banks in order of quality (I my opinion, but I'm probably wrong) TD RY BNS BMO CM NA
  5. none yet. I bought TD during the GFC at 0.9X Book - or so. and a 7% yield. If we get there I may start. I just read an article about how TD and RY have been the lead banks in ramping up energy loans the last year - yikes...
  6. I'm usually early. This time I'm adding slowly/daily until i'm the last guy on the bid.
  7. not afraid. But today is the first day of buying that I feel a little stressed. I just bare down and press the buy button. Some neighbors, who never talk about stocks are talking about them for the first time in a while...we must be close to the bottom...LOL...
  8. Yes, this is totally wild. The oil patch is on the ropes... Wow.
  9. Canadian broader market Down 13% right now. Energy and financials getting crushed. I wonder if Steve Eisman is still short Canadian banks... if so, it's raining gold and he is standing outside with a bucket. Whoa.
  10. OTEX, GIL, SABR, CVET, V I'm always early. Horny to hit the buy button. So, I'm learning to nibble.
  11. I remember WEB saying one-time, that the time to take credit is when you don't need it. Cuz, when you need it, your on the wrong side of the "trade" - you're paying big time.... Amazing to see him raise 1B with a YTM of 0.04%... like you say, for fun...
  12. Bombay Sapphire gin with Fever-Tree Indian tonic.
  13. It sounds like you have an RESP for each kid. You can have a "family" resp, so, I have one account 2 kids. That way you have more $$$ in the account and you can buy bigger positions and diversify. Mine is held with CIBC Investors Edge...probably Canada's worst bank-broker...LOL. LL
  14. maybe approach your neighbors with a case of Doritos and one of these: https://www.amazon.ca/Purifier-Washable-Pre-Filters-Particle-Allergens/dp/B073WJDQMN/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?gclid=CjwKCAiAsIDxBRAsEiwAV76N814EJE6qlvximk7X8ivReMlOBb-O3-WkmHgmdmI9jIhOuomzz9BDdRoCvWoQAvD_BwE&hvadid=267144885509&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9000801&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7793352959613316797&hvtargid=aud-854277239427%3Akwd-297656059159&hydadcr=25028_10278448&keywords=apartment+air+purifier&qid=1579205636&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExMlJOMEc4Q1FGV1RKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzc1Njk3MUVTNTZWSFlJQUFHUCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTAwNzc2RTlXWldaMzBCTlo1JndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  15. Thanks Rod, I owned the DC.D sometime ago. I'm not up to speed on DC. I did worry about the underlying business. I think they have a better balance sheet now due to higher gold prices and their ownership in DPM. Buying back these discounted prefs does seem like a no brainer.
  16. any low vol Canadian pref ideas to park some $$$ for a bit ( until the next market hissy fit )? I think BCE has some monthly pays.
  17. Has anyone seen any interesting mis-pricings in the prefs lately. I currently own AZP.A and BPO.P. I'm looking to park some more $$$ in prefs while I wait for lower equity prices. The FFH's seems to offer some value. LL
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